Thank you for purchasing our theme. We appreciate the trust you have given us, and so we made this documentation as clear as possible, so that no one will encounter any problem. If you can't find what are you looking for in the documentation or FAQ section, feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you with every problem you may encounter.
You are entitled to get free lifetime updates to this product + exceptional support from the author directly.
Within the download you'll find the following file structure and contents, logically grouping common assets and providing.
Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder to see the structure of your theme. You'll see something like this:
Hamon/ ├── Documentation - This document ├── Elementor Templates/ - Example templates for Elementor page builder ├── Licensing/ - Licenses. ├── Theme/ │ ├── - Main theme files. │ └── - Default settings for theme admin panel. └── changelog.txt - All theme changes.
After you have purchased the theme, the archive downloaded from Themeforest will look something like this: The theme itself is located in /theme/ folder. The installable .zip archive is the one called
You can complete installation in two different ways:
Login to your WordPress Dashboard (, and then navigate to Appearance > Themes. Then click on the Add New button.
A new page will open. Click on the Upload Theme button.
Press the Choose File button.
A common mistake that users make at this point, is that they try to upload the .zip archive with all the files that they have downloaded from Themeforest. You must upload the .zip archive with only the theme itself, not the .zip archive with all files.
In order for this not to happen, be sure you have downloaded the Installable file only from Themeforest.
That's the .zip you must upload.
The theme will now upload. After the upload is done, you need to click on Activate.
Download FileZilla from and install program.
Double click on your FileZilla icon from your desktop.
Complete the following boxes (below the header at the top of the screen)
ftpAddress - The URL of your blog/website (don’t include http:// at the beginning)
User - your ftp username
Password - your ftp password
Port - Leave Blank or enter 21 (it should by default enter this automatically)
Click Quickconnect! are now connected to your ftp account.
Double click on the WWW directory folder located on the right hand side so that the directory is opened. If you have a registered domain on your account then the 'index.html' file should be within your 'www/' directory. 'index.html' will be the main page of your site.
If you use Wordpress and have a registered domain on your account then the Wordpress files can be accessed using the following path /www/wp-content/themes/ and select your theme folder. You will find all the php, css and image files for your Wordpress site in there.
From the left hand side of the FileZilla program, you will need to search for your files on your computer in which you would like to upload to your site under 'Local Site'.
Browse the contents and find the actual theme folder (/Theme/). In this folder you will find Unzip this file then. After unpacking, you'll see a new folder containing your theme files. This is your theme folder .
Highlight all of the files you wish to upload and then DRAG them over to an open area on the right hand side of the FileZilla program so that you will upload the files into www/wp-content/themes/your theme folder.
Your files will upload instantly onto your site. A message will appear at the top above the local site to let you know if the upload was successful. Thats all theme should already be on the server ready to activation.
After activating theme you will be notified that Hamon requires "Hamon Toolkit" and "Elementor Page Builder" to work properly. It's also recommended to others plugins. This is because this theme requires and recommends a series of plugin in order to work correctly.
Click "install" next to every plugin from the list starting from the top of the list, after installing the last one click Activate in same order.
Please Leave "Posts page" unselected. This setting will cause problems with theme if used.
The most important aspect of updating is that one should always have made a backup of their site and database prior to performing an update. Updates are very easy to do, but because we are dealing with the internet, and also several different programs attempting to work together, sometimes updates will fail, and "bad things" can happen to your existing site. If you have made a backup, then the problems may be reversible.
Many often worry that upgrading by ftp overwrite will cause one to lose the existing content they have input into their site. This is not the case. Your content, formatting and images you have uploaded are not effected.
If you have made any custom modifications to your php files - for example you have have hardcoded changes to a file, you can lose those modifications . You should definitely save each php or css file you have "hard" modified, so that you can reinstall them after the global program update. If you have made changes and you don't want to lose them, you can use one of freeware tools for comparing files, ex. Beyond Compare (Please don't ask us how to use it because we are not the authors of this tool. Help can be found on their website). After comparing these files you can upload on server only the files that hasn't been changed.
If you haven't custom modifications any theme files, all you need to do is update your version of theme by downloading the latest package from market, unpacking files and uploading new files on the server while replacing the old files.
You will need to generate an API key to link your WordPress site to your Themeforest account.
Login to Themeforest, go to your dashboard and click on “My Settings.” The API Keys screen allows you to generate a free API key.
Install and activate the toolkit plugin. A new menu item, “Envato Toolkit,” will appear in the admin sidebar. Click on the sidebar link and enter your marketplace username and secret API key. Click “Save Settings.”
All of your theme purchases will now appear on this page after it refreshes.
The plugin will now alert you to theme updates – so long as you check the toolkit settings regularly.
Click on “install automatically” beside each of your themes to automatically update them.
The toolkit settings page also allows you to install themes that you haven’t already uploaded to your site, delete ones you don’t use and view version details. You can also set up theme backups.
Make sure that you do not edit the theme files! If you have custom CSS code, insert it into the Additional CSS Panel in Customizer. If you also want to modify PHP files, then please use a child theme.
A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a "Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing" error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This error message does not mean that the theme you have purchased is broken, it simply means it has been uploaded incorrectly. Luckily, there is a very easy fix. Please follow the steps below to rectify this issue.
If tab "Install Demos" is inactive, please install and activate Hamon Toolkit plugin.
With the one-click import functionality you can quickly and easily import all the sample content (content, menu, options and widgets). So setting up your site to look and function just like the demo has never been easier. If you are using this option you don't need to use .xml files no longer. Before you begin, make sure that all the necessary plug-ins you have installed and activated .
Probably you need to increase the maximum execution time. You can do this by clicking again on "Import" button until you will see a message that demo data has been imported correctly. Also you can try to adding following code to your /wp-config.php file right above the /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
If you still have problems make sure that you have enough memory allocated to php. This can be set in your wp-config.php file. You can read more at WordPress codex page .
Before running the demo import again, you should reset the database. We recommend the WordPress Reset plugin .
The most important aspect after importing content is to set the permalinks. WordPress posts returning a 404 Error . This usually happens if your .htaccess file got deleted or something went wrong with the rewrite rules. What you need to do is fix your permalinks settings.
By default, WordPress uses web URLs which have day and name in them; however, WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. This can improve the aesthetics, usability, and forward-compatibility of your links (WordPress Codex ).
Permalink settings are found in the left-hand WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalink menu.
Once you have selected the specific format you want, click "Save Changes." This will update your permalinks settings and flush rewrite rules. In most cases this solution fixes the WordPress posts 404 error.
The color of each content you add to the page you create with Elementor falls under the influence of your layout Default Colors. Giving an example, if you add a Heading element to your layout, the color of that Heading element will be defined by the default colors of the Elementor’s Layout. As a result, if the color of Headings is green or blue by default, then each Heading will turn into green after adding it to your Elementor layout.
One thing you might want to check before we get started, is that you have disabled the default Elementor fonts and colors. This way Elementor will inherit the styles from the theme, which is exactly what we want to do here.
Once your site is ready, the only thing left to set up page builder. Elementor Page Builder is one of the most popular page builder plugins out there, making it easy for users to create beautiful, complex layouts with a simple drag and drop interface.
From now, Hamon comes with templates specially designed to use with Elementor:
Make sure you have installed Elementor Page Builder.
Download templates .zip file on your machine. File is located in the final zip file that you downloaded from your downloads page on ThemeForest website. In folder Hamon -> Elementor Templates ->
Navigate to Dashboard > Elementor > My Library. There click Import Template. For import, select the file downloaded in the previous step.
The imported template will appear in a list, and you will be able to view and edit it with Elementor.
After the importing process is over, you can create a new page to use with that new template. Navigate to Dashboard > Pages, add a new page, select the Page Builder Blank template for that page and publish it. After that, just click Edit with Elementor to start creating the page content.
When you choose to edit a new page with Elementor, the first thing you will see will be the adding panel; you will be asked to add a new section or a template. Hit the “Add template” button.
In the library, you can choose to go downloading available blocks or pages (some of them are free), but since you’ve already downloaded a template, go to “My Templates” bar.
Click the My Templates tab, and select the name of the template you want to use ( in this case About Our Business template ) and click Insert.
Voila! You have a ready-made page, containing all the necessary elements. You can edit them any way you like and change the content according to your business needs. All the elements are fully customizable and flexible. Have fun dealing with dozens of color, shape and fonts variations!
Theme Panel are found in the left-hand WordPress Dashboard -> Theme Panel or in WordPress admin bar at the top of page and it is an easy-to-access toolbar with a few shortcuts to some central dashboard pages.
Theme Panel has been especially created to make your work faster and easier. Using it is very easy and in just a few minutes you can change a lot of things on your page. On this panel you can adjust many various configuration settings including basics like: Date format, Google fonts, to more advanced AJAX options, section permalinks structure etc.
We have the options organized into logical tabbed sections, and each option has a description of what it will do on the front end. Because of the sizable amount of options this theme, we cannot go over them in full detail here in our documentation.
Please don't mess with "Ajax" options menu unless you know what you are doing. Any misconfiguration there may cause some serious unpredictable issues.
Theme Customizer are found in Theme Panel.
Theme Customizer are found in Theme Panel and has been especially created to make your customization faster and easier. Using it is very easy and in just a few minutes you can change a lot of things on your page.
Theme is based on Elementor Page Builder.
Hamon is fully integrated with Elementor page builder and allows you to customize pages of your website. Please note some of the pages may not be compatible with Elementor because their design concept and advanced effects do not allow this. In this case, the page has additional options that allow you to change, colors, texts etc.
To explore the capabilities of Elementor, we recommend you study the documentation and watch following video:
Creating content is nothing special if you have even basic experience with WordPress.
On this tab are options to set Facebook og: tags. They are useful when you want to overwrite title, description or image currently edited page. In this way you will have the certainty that the share page on Facebook will be exactly the same.
The blog is divided into two sections: Blog Page and Single Post.
If you want to create the blog page, firstly, you need to create a simple page. You can also open already created page. Blog page allows you to display posts published at your webbsite.
Only after chosing the blog template and clicking on Publish / Update button, the options for blog pages will appear. If you just open the editor mode for the page, there will be NO options for blog. Blog options depend on blog page template.
The corresponding options for the selected template will be displayed after page refresh.
Please Leave "Posts page" unselected. This setting will cause problems with theme if used.
Blog options are divided on tabs:
Please note: some options are depend on the selected parent option. For example if you selected sidebar position: Left or Right then extra option "Select Sidebar" will be visibled.
If you want to create more that one news/blog page it's not a problem with our framework. Just select categories, tags or even posts IDS, and posts will be displayed only from your selections.
You can also "trim" a list of items that will appear. Use "Offset" field to enter number of posts that will be omitted. For example type number "3", then the first three posts will be omitted.
Please refer to "Creating Music" section for more informations.
Please refer to "Creating Page" section for more informations.
The Music is divided into the following sections:
In this place you have tracks libary. From here you select tracklist, tracks, single track... and put them on other theme pages or via shortcodes or page builder elements.
Add a title of your tracklist.
List of available tracks.
Duplicate selected track.
Each track contains additional options such as title, subtitle, button link, etc. If you want to edit them, click on the "edit" button, then you will see new slide-down block with additional settings. Please check below Track Editor:
Adds tracks
Each track has unique ID. It is necessary to select songs by IDS in some page builder elements, shortcodes or theme panel.
If you want, now you can change the order of your tracks, just click and drag them.
If you click on "Track Editor" or "Add Custom Track" you will see this slide-down content. Here you can edit track details like title, artists, buttons etc. (It's depends on theme settings).
Please note "Release/Track URL" field can not be empty.
Interactive music player which plays the music in the background. On most pages, you can set the background track in page options.
Background player can be disabled or enabled in Theme Panel > General Settings (1). Also in theme panel can be selected global track (2). Global track will be played on the current page when you do not select a different background song in page options (see below). Please note only the first track on the list will be played, but you can select track by ID (3). Tracks IDS of selected tracklist you will find in Tracks Libary -> Tracklist.
The track can be different for each page and can be selected in Page/Post options in tab: "Background Music". Tracks are loaded from Tracks Libary. Please note only the first track on the list will be played.
One of the great features of Rascals themes is that our themes are Internationalized (I18n). In simple language, it means that you can translate any of our themes in your own language! Here, we explain how you can translate a theme.
Poedit and Loco Translate are not just for the translation, it also can make changes in theme texts, without any changes in template code. This is very convenient because if the new upgrade will change the code, you will need to change the texts again.
You can translate/edit texts, using the free "POedit " software or free " Loco Translate " plugin for wordpress. Here's a step-by-step instructions:
If your language is English open "en_EN.po" through POedit and just change texts that you want. When complete save file.
Open "en_EN.po" through POedit and translate the English language into your preferred language. When complete, you’ll want to save the file twice, as two separate files – a .po file and a .mo file. When you save the files, you must name them according to your language code.
Find a list of language codes at . As an example, the language code for English is en_EN, so you would save the translated files as "en_EN.po" first, then ""
On the drive side, navigate to the /hamon/theme/hamon_theme_version/languages/. On the host side, navigate to your WordPress installation root directory:
Where you have your current version of hamon installed. Simply drag and replace /languages/ folder from your drive on the /languages/ folder on the host side.
On the host side, navigate to your WordPress installation root directory and open "wp-config.php". For example, if you’re using a French translation, you’ll need to add the "fr_FR.po" and "" files to your theme folder, then set your language in "wp-config.php", like this:
define('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');
Language code for English should look like this:
define('WPLANG', 'en_US');
Widget is a fancy word for tools or content that you can add, arrange, and remove from the sidebars of your blog. Widgets make it easy to customize the content of your blog sidebar. You can access the widgets page from the Appearance menu in your Dashboard.
To open and close a widget, mouse over the widget bar and click the small arrow that appears to the right.
To add a widget, drag the widget from the Available Widgets or Inactive Widgets area on the left into the Sidebar area on the right. When you see a dashed line appear, you can drop the widget into place.
You can also change the order of the widgets by dragging and dropping them around in the sidebar.
Each widget has configuration options. To make changes to a widget in the sidebar, click on the triangle on the right side. This will open up the options for the widget. Each widget will be different.
After you have have configured the widget, click the Save button. Clicking the Close link will minimize the configuration options again.
If you would like to remove a widget from the sidebar, click the Delete link in the configuration options as show above.
Create new sidebar and assign it to any page or post. Now you can design special sidebars for each page with easy.
Go to -> Theme Panel -> Sidebars. Click on "Add Sidebar", then in the field labeled 'Name' type the name of your sidebar and click on 'Save' button. Now you can add widgets to the new sidebar. Go to a page or post where you want to see your sidebar. Select your sidebar in the page options and click on save button. Your sidebar should be now visible on the site.
Your theme consists of two basic CSS files. The first one (style.css) holds all of your theme's base CSS styles. The second set of CSS styles is located in your theme's root directory /styles/ This folder contains all of the separate CSS files for your theme's skin variations.
You can make changes in CSS style through: Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS.
Every main CSS style rule can be adjusted. Whenever you want to change theme style always use this field. When you do that you'll have assurance that whenever you upgrade the theme, your code will stay untouched. Avoid making changes to "style.css" file directly. Whenever you change something, you can always export your data.
Every single element in this theme can be easily customized with the help of Yellow Pencil Plugin. In order to use it, simple click on Edit with Yellow Pencil and then Global Customize from the Admin Bar.
After that you will be taken to the Yellow Pencil's Front End Editor, where editing things is very simple and intuitive.
People and links that we want to say thank you!
Just for the record: we provide theme assistance because we consider ourselves as proffesionals and not because it is required from Envato authors. We will do our best to answer all your questions and help you, but sometimes you have to be patient. Modifications and 3rd party plugins are not subject to support - sorry.
Make sure that you have read documentation which was in theme package - it contains useful information on how to install and use the theme. You may be familiar with our FAQ section too.
Installation, customization or administration of WordPress itself are not a subject of support. We also do not provide support for any third party plugins or problems associated with using them with our themes. We focus on topics like installation and configuration of the theme, usage of theme features and potential bugs fix. We do not provide customization services. Support will not be provided when you want to modify the theme to suit your specific needs or when you want feature 'X' to be integrated with the theme.
Rascals Themes office is located in Poland (EU) and our working hours are 8:00AM - 4:00PM (GMT +1) on workdays (Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).